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Testing Syntax Highlighting edge cases in VB.NET

Works Just Fine

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Execute a simple message box that says "Hello, World!"
    MsgBox "Hello, World!"
End Sub

Missing Several Keywords

#Const DEBUG = True
#Region "Code"
#End Region

Namespace Highlighter.Test
End Namespace

Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String, ParamArray arr As Object) _
    Handles Form1.Click
        Dim x = From x As String 
                In l Select x.Substring(2, 4)
                Where x.Length > 0
      Catch ex As Exception 
      End Try
End Sub

Automatically Detect as PHP

Public Function GetCurrentAge(ByVal dob As Date) As Integer
    Dim age As Integer = 0
    Return age
End Function

Manually Detect as VBScript

Public Function GetCurrentAge(ByVal dob As Date) As Integer
    Dim age As Integer = 0
    Return age
End Function

Can't Manually Detect As VBNET

Public Function GetCurrentAge(ByVal dob As Date) As Integer
    Dim age As Integer = 0
    Return age
End Function
'Finds Reminder Window and Brings to TopMost position  
Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)  
    On Error Resume Next  
    If True Then 
        If True Then  
            'show message box for first reminder  
            If Not messageAlreadyShown Then  
                MsgBox "First Reminder", vbSystemModal, ""  
                messageAlreadyShown = True  
            End If  
        End If
    End If
    'find reminder window  
    ReminderWindow = FindWindowA(vbNullString, "1 Reminder")  
    'bring reminder window to front  
    SetWindowPos ReminderWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, FLAGS  
End Sub