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Reverse Proxy with URL Rewrite

URL Rewrite is the perfect vehicle for setting up a Reverse Proxy on a Microsoft stack. A reverse proxy is a way to route web traffic through a single entry point which acts a traffic cop to pull the actual resources once inside your network.

Here's a network diagram of how a reverse proxy typically works within a network:

Reverse Proxy Network Diagram

If you want more info, here's a great explanation of the difference between a proxy server and reverse proxy server

Inbound Rules

Outbound Rules

Proxy Info


Let's take a step back and look at how HTTP redirects work and then a couple ways that IIS tries to handle them.

HTTP Request/Response #

When you navigate to a URL, the browser is submitting a request that the destination server can fulfill however it wants.

Although you only interact with the URL, the request includes a lot of other information sent along as headers. If you want to see the full HTTP request, open up a tool like fiddler or go to the network tab in the DevTools of your favorite browser.

For example, if you navigate to the following address:

The resulting GET request actually looks like this:

GET Request

Minimally, the browser has parsed the URI into the Host And Path components. Also, based on how and where the browser it set up, it'll tack on a lot of extra instructions that the server might care about, for example - if you've installed the browser

Normal Redirect #

A reverse proxy with IIS and URL Rewrite

Application Request Routing – Part 2(Reverse Proxy and Troubleshooting ARR, URLRewrite Issues)

Application Request Routing

Using Rewrite Maps in URL Rewrite Module

URL Rewrite Module 2.0 Configuration Reference

    <!-- This rule changes the domain in the HTTP location header for redirection responses -->
    <rule name="Change Location Header">
        <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_LOCATION" pattern="^http://[^/]+/(.*)" />
            <add input="{RESPONSE_STATUS}" pattern="^301" />
        <action type="Rewrite" value="http://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}"/>

Modifying HTTP Response Headers

HTTP Status Codes

Http Location Header Field

URL Redirection


ARR Redirect 302 response location with incorrect url

ARR 2.0 response headers for a 302 Response are getting changed in reverse proxy.

What does the ARR setting "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" do?

URL Rewrite vs. Redirect; What’s the difference?

Difference between proxy server and reverse proxy server